Tag: how much Puratap cost

Does Puratap Filter Fluoride in Drinking Water?

When it comes to ensuring clean and safe drinking water, many people turn to water filtration systems like Puratap. But with growing concerns about fluoride in tap water, one common question arises: does Puratap filter fluoride? Fluoride, a chemical commonly added to municipal water supplies to promote dental health, has become a topic of debate due to its potential health risks. While fluoride does offer benefits in preventing tooth decay, overexposure can lead to adverse effects, prompting many to seek ways to remove it from their drinking water. In this article, we’ll explore whether Puratap systems are effective at filtering out fluoride and provide a comprehensive look at how these systems work.

Overview of Puratap Water Filtration Systems

Puratap is a well-known brand in Australia, particularly in Adelaide, where it is recognized as a leader in water filtration solutions. The company offers under-sink water filtration systems that are designed to remove a wide range of contaminants from tap water, ensuring that the water you drink is clean and safe. These systems are popular for their ease of installation, effectiveness, and the peace of mind they offer to homeowners concerned about the quality of their tap water.

Puratap systems typically use a combination of sediment and carbon filters to purify water. The filters are designed to target specific contaminants, trapping them and preventing them from passing through to your drinking water. With regular maintenance and filter changes, a Puratap system can provide consistent water quality. However, the question remains: can it effectively remove fluoride, a compound that requires specialized filtration technology?

What Does Puratap Filter Out?

Puratap filtration systems are designed to address a variety of common water contaminants that can affect both the taste and safety of your drinking water. Understanding what these systems filter out is crucial in evaluating their effectiveness, especially concerning fluoride removal.

Common Contaminants Removed by Puratap

Puratap systems are equipped to remove a range of contaminants that are commonly found in tap water. These include:

  • Chlorine: Often used as a disinfectant in municipal water supplies, chlorine can leave an unpleasant taste and odor in tap water. Puratap’s carbon filters are highly effective at removing chlorine.
  • Sediment: Dirt, rust, and other particulates can enter your water supply through old pipes or during maintenance. The sediment filters in Puratap systems trap these particles, ensuring clear water.
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): These are chemicals that can seep into water supplies from industrial processes, and they are associated with various health risks. Puratap filters are designed to reduce VOCs, improving both safety and taste.
  • Heavy Metals: Contaminants like lead and mercury are hazardous and can cause significant health problems. While Puratap systems offer some reduction in heavy metals, the extent can vary based on the specific filter used.

Is Fluoride One of Them?

The effectiveness of Puratap systems in removing fluoride is a critical consideration for many households. Fluoride is a small ion, which makes it more challenging to remove compared to larger particles or contaminants like chlorine or sediment. Standard carbon filters, which are commonly used in Puratap systems, are not typically effective at removing fluoride.

To specifically remove fluoride, a water filtration system needs to use technologies such as reverse osmosis, activated alumina, or bone char carbon filters. These methods are proven to reduce fluoride levels significantly. Unfortunately, Puratap’s standard systems do not employ these technologies. Therefore, while Puratap is excellent at removing various contaminants, it does not effectively filter out fluoride without an additional, specialized fluoride filter.

For those concerned about fluoride in their drinking water, exploring additional filtration options or upgrading your Puratap system with a fluoride-specific filter may be necessary. This ensures that you’re not only removing the common contaminants but also addressing the specific concerns related to fluoride exposure.

The Science Behind Fluoride Filtration

The Science Behind Fluoride Filtration

Understanding how fluoride is filtered out of water requires a dive into the science behind water purification processes. Fluoride, being a naturally occurring mineral, is commonly added to municipal water supplies to promote dental health. However, its presence in drinking water has sparked debates due to potential health risks associated with overexposure. The ability to remove fluoride from water is highly dependent on the technology used in filtration systems. Unlike larger contaminants, fluoride ions are small and require specialized methods to be effectively filtered out. In this section, we will explore why removing fluoride is a concern, the health risks it poses, and the technologies typically used to address this issue.

Why Removing Fluoride is a Concern

Fluoride has been widely recognized for its benefits in dental care, particularly in reducing tooth decay. However, there is growing concern over the potential adverse effects of prolonged fluoride exposure, especially at higher levels. These concerns have led many to seek ways to remove fluoride from their drinking water.

Health Risks Associated with Fluoride Exposure

Excessive fluoride intake can lead to a condition known as dental fluorosis, which is characterized by the discoloration and mottling of tooth enamel. While this is often considered a cosmetic issue, more severe cases can affect tooth structure. Beyond dental concerns, studies have suggested that high levels of fluoride exposure may be linked to more serious health problems, such as:

  • Skeletal Fluorosis: This condition results from the accumulation of fluoride in bones over time, leading to joint stiffness, pain, and in severe cases, alterations in bone structure.
  • Neurological Effects: Some research indicates a possible connection between high fluoride exposure and reduced IQ levels in children, prompting further investigation into its impact on cognitive development.
  • Thyroid Function: There is evidence that excessive fluoride can interfere with thyroid function, leading to hypothyroidism, a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones.

Given these potential risks, it’s understandable why many people are concerned about the levels of fluoride in their drinking water and are exploring filtration methods to reduce its presence.

How Fluoride is Typically Removed from Water

To effectively remove fluoride from drinking water, specific filtration methods are required. Unlike other common contaminants, fluoride ions are too small to be filtered out by standard carbon filters found in many household water filtration systems, including some models from Puratap. Instead, more advanced or specialized technologies must be employed.

Methods Used in Other Filtration Systems

Here are some of the most effective methods used to remove fluoride from water:

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO): This process uses a semi-permeable membrane to filter out a wide range of contaminants, including up to 95% of fluoride. RO systems are highly effective but can be costly to install and maintain. They also require a significant amount of water, as only a portion of the water passing through the system is purified.
  • Activated Alumina: This is a highly porous material that can adsorb fluoride ions from water. Activated alumina filters are capable of reducing fluoride levels by up to 90%. These filters are often used in under-sink installations and require regular maintenance to remain effective.
  • Distillation: This method involves boiling water and then collecting the steam, which leaves most contaminants, including fluoride, behind. While distillation is effective, it is slow and energy-intensive, making it less practical for large households.
  • Bone Char Carbon Filters: These filters use charred animal bones to attract and trap fluoride ions. They are a natural and effective option but may not be as consistent or reliable as reverse osmosis or activated alumina, especially in removing high levels of fluoride.

Comparison: Reverse Osmosis vs. Activated Carbon

When comparing reverse osmosis and activated carbon filters, it’s important to note their distinct capabilities and limitations:

  • Reverse Osmosis: This method excels at removing a broad range of contaminants, including fluoride, heavy metals, and dissolved salts. It is particularly effective because it uses a membrane that blocks particles larger than water molecules. However, RO systems are typically more expensive and can waste water during the filtration process. They also require electricity to operate.
  • Activated Carbon: While excellent for removing chlorine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and improving water taste, activated carbon filters are not effective at removing fluoride. Carbon filters work by adsorption, where contaminants stick to the surface of the carbon. However, because fluoride ions are so small, they pass through most carbon filters without being removed.

For those specifically concerned about fluoride, reverse osmosis or adding an activated alumina stage to your filtration system would be more effective solutions than relying solely on activated carbon filters.

Puratap’s Effectiveness in Fluoride Filtration

When considering a water filtration system, it’s important to understand not just what it can filter out, but also its limitations. Puratap is a popular choice for many households looking to improve the quality of their drinking water, particularly in removing common contaminants like chlorine, sediments, and volatile organic compounds. However, the effectiveness of Puratap in removing specific contaminants such as fluoride is a more complex issue. In this section, we will explore whether Puratap systems can effectively filter fluoride, how their filtration mechanisms work, and what limitations exist in this regard.

Does Puratap Filter Fluoride?

The Mechanism of Puratap Filters

Puratap water filtration systems primarily utilize a combination of sediment and carbon block filters to remove impurities from tap water. These filters are very effective at capturing larger particles and contaminants such as dirt, rust, chlorine, and certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The carbon block filter in particular is designed to adsorb contaminants from the water as it passes through, improving taste and odor by removing chlorine and other chemicals.

However, when it comes to filtering out fluoride, the situation is different. Fluoride ions are very small, and standard carbon filters, like those used in Puratap systems, are not designed to capture these ions. Instead, specific technologies such as reverse osmosis, activated alumina, or bone char filters are required to effectively reduce fluoride levels in water. Since Puratap does not incorporate these specialized filters in its standard models, it is not inherently designed to remove fluoride from drinking water.

Limitations of Puratap in Fluoride Filtration

The primary limitation of Puratap systems in fluoride filtration lies in their reliance on carbon-based filters. As mentioned, while these filters are excellent at removing organic compounds, chlorine, and other larger contaminants, they do not have the capability to remove fluoride effectively.

  • No Reverse Osmosis or Activated Alumina: These are the two most effective methods for fluoride removal, but they are not part of the standard Puratap system. Reverse osmosis, for example, uses a semi-permeable membrane to filter out up to 95% of fluoride from water. Activated alumina works by adsorbing fluoride ions as water passes through, but this requires a different setup from what Puratap offers.
  • Carbon Block Filters: While efficient at improving water taste and reducing chlorine levels, carbon block filters do not remove dissolved minerals or fluoride. This means that even after water passes through a Puratap system, the fluoride content remains largely unchanged.

For households specifically concerned about fluoride, relying solely on a Puratap system without any additional filtration stages might not be sufficient.

Alternative Solutions for Fluoride Removal

For those looking to specifically target fluoride removal, there are several alternative solutions that can either complement a Puratap system or serve as a standalone option.

Adding Specific Fluoride Filters to Puratap

One potential solution is to add a fluoride-specific filter to your existing Puratap system. This could involve integrating an activated alumina filter or a reverse osmosis system into the setup.

  • Activated Alumina Filters: These can be added as an additional stage in the filtration process. Activated alumina is highly effective at removing fluoride, with the capability to reduce fluoride levels by up to 90%. This setup would still allow you to benefit from the Puratap’s removal of other contaminants, while specifically targeting fluoride with the added filter.
  • Reverse Osmosis Systems: While more complex and often requiring a separate system, reverse osmosis can be used in conjunction with Puratap. The water could first be filtered through Puratap for general purification, then passed through an RO system to remove fluoride and other dissolved solids.

Exploring Other Fluoride Filtration Systems

If adding to your existing Puratap setup is not feasible, or if you prefer a different solution, you might explore other water filtration systems specifically designed to remove fluoride.

  • Stand-Alone Reverse Osmosis Systems: These systems are comprehensive solutions that can remove not just fluoride, but a wide range of other contaminants. They are highly effective but come with higher costs and more maintenance requirements.
  • Distillation Units: Though less common in household use due to their energy demands, distillation is another method that effectively removes fluoride. This process involves boiling water and collecting the steam, which leaves fluoride and other impurities behind.
  • Gravity-Fed Filters: For those looking for a more portable option, gravity-fed filters using activated alumina or bone char can be effective for fluoride removal. These systems are typically easier to set up and maintain, though they might require frequent refilling.

Maintaining Your Puratap System

Maintaining Your Puratap System

To ensure that your Puratap water filtration system continues to provide you with clean, safe drinking water, proper maintenance is essential. Regular upkeep not only prolongs the life of your system but also ensures that it operates at optimal efficiency, effectively removing the contaminants it is designed to filter out. In this section, we’ll discuss key aspects of maintaining your Puratap system, including the importance of regular filter changes and how to recognize when your filters may need to be replaced.

Ensuring Optimal Performance

Maintaining the performance of your Puratap system requires attention to detail and a proactive approach. Water filtration systems work by trapping contaminants, which means that over time, the filters will accumulate debris and lose their effectiveness. Without proper maintenance, the system’s ability to purify water can diminish, potentially compromising the quality of the water you consume.

Regular Filter Changes

One of the most important aspects of maintaining your Puratap system is ensuring that the filters are replaced on a regular basis. Puratap recommends that filters should be changed every 12 months or after filtering approximately 2000 liters of water, whichever comes first​​​​. This schedule ensures that the filters remain effective at removing contaminants such as chlorine, sediment, and other impurities.

  • Why Regular Changes Are Important: Over time, filters become clogged with the contaminants they remove from the water. This not only reduces the flow rate but also diminishes the filter’s ability to remove new contaminants. Changing the filters regularly ensures that your system continues to operate efficiently and that your water remains pure.
  • How to Change the Filters: Puratap systems are designed to make filter changes straightforward. The company provides detailed instructions and even offers a reminder service to help you keep track of when your filters need to be replaced. Additionally, professional service teams are available to perform the replacement if needed​​.

Signs Your Filter Needs Replacement

Even with a regular replacement schedule, it’s important to be aware of the signs that your filter may need to be replaced sooner than planned. Here are a few indicators:

  • Decreased Water Flow: If you notice a significant drop in water pressure, it could be a sign that the filter is clogged and needs to be replaced.
  • Change in Water Taste or Odor: If your water begins to taste or smell different, this could indicate that the filter is no longer effectively removing contaminants.
  • Visible Debris in Water: If you start to see particles or sediment in your water, this is a clear sign that the filter is not functioning properly and should be replaced immediately.

Keeping an eye out for these signs will help ensure that your Puratap system continues to deliver high-quality water without interruption.


In conclusion, while Puratap systems are highly effective at improving the quality of your drinking water by removing common contaminants, they do have limitations when it comes to filtering out fluoride. If fluoride removal is a priority for you, it may be necessary to explore additional filtration options or modify your existing system with specialized filters. Regular maintenance, including timely filter changes, is crucial to keeping your Puratap system functioning optimally. By understanding the capabilities and limitations of your water filtration system, you can make informed decisions that best suit your household’s needs, ensuring that your drinking water is as clean and safe as possible.

How Much Puratap Cost? Compare Installation and Maintenance Fees

When considering the installation of a home water filtration system, many Australian homeowners turn to Puratap for its reliability and effectiveness. A common question that arises is, “how much does Puratap cost?” Understanding the financial commitment involved in purchasing and maintaining a Puratap system is crucial for making an informed decision. This blog post delves into the various costs associated with Puratap, from initial installation fees to factors that may influence the overall expense. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of what to expect when budgeting for a Puratap system in your home.

How Much Does Puratap Cost? A Comprehensive Guide

Investing in a water filtration system like Puratap is a wise decision for anyone looking to ensure the quality of water in their home. One of the most common questions prospective buyers ask is, “how much does Puratap cost?” Understanding the costs associated with both the installation and ongoing maintenance of a Puratap system can help you make an informed decision. This article breaks down the expenses involved, providing a detailed guide to everything you need to know about Puratap costs.

Introduction to Puratap

Puratap is a well-known brand in Australia, particularly popular for its high-quality water filtration systems. Established over 20 years ago, the company has built a reputation for delivering clean, safe, and great-tasting water directly from your tap. Puratap systems are designed to remove a wide range of contaminants, including chlorine, heavy metals, and organic chemicals, ensuring that your household has access to pure drinking water.

The company offers a variety of filtration options, including under-sink systems, benchtop filters, and whole-house solutions. Their systems are easy to use, maintain, and are known for their longevity, making them a popular choice among Australian households.

Initial Installation Costs

When considering the cost of a Puratap system, the initial installation fee is an essential factor. This cost can vary based on several factors, including the complexity of the installation, your location, and the type of system you choose.

Average Cost of Installing a Puratap System

On average, the cost to install a Puratap system ranges from AUD 200 to AUD 500. This price typically includes the system itself and the labor required to install it. However, it’s important to note that prices can vary based on the specific model and any additional features you may choose.

For instance, a basic under-sink system might cost less than a more advanced whole-house filtration setup. Additionally, some companies might offer promotional rates or discounts, especially if you purchase the system during a sale or as part of a package deal.

Factors That Influence Installation Costs

Several factors can influence the overall cost of installing a Puratap system. These include:

Location and Accessibility

The location of your home and the accessibility of your plumbing can significantly impact installation costs. For example, if your home is in a remote area, the cost might be higher due to travel expenses. Similarly, if the installation requires extensive plumbing work, such as rerouting pipes or drilling through countertops, you can expect to pay more.

Type of Tap and Filter

The type of tap and filter you choose also plays a crucial role in determining the cost. Puratap offers a variety of taps and filters, ranging from basic models to more premium options. While a standard tap might be included in the base installation cost, choosing a designer tap or a more sophisticated filtration system could increase the overall price.

Ongoing Maintenance and Replacement Costs

After the initial installation, ongoing maintenance and filter replacement are essential to ensure that your Puratap system continues to deliver clean and safe water. Understanding these costs is vital, as regular maintenance not only prolongs the life of the system but also guarantees its effectiveness. This section will cover how often you should replace the filters, the cost associated with these replacements, and any additional service fees you might encounter. We’ll also explore whether there are any cheaper alternatives available in the market.

How Often Should You Replace Puratap Filters?

Puratap filters are designed to be efficient and long-lasting, but like any filtration system, they require regular replacement to maintain optimal performance. Typically, Puratap recommends that filters be replaced every 12 months. This ensures that your water remains free from contaminants and that the system functions at its best.

However, the frequency of replacement can vary depending on water quality in your area and your household’s water usage. In areas with higher levels of sediment or other impurities, more frequent replacement might be necessary. Monitoring the flow rate and taste of your water can also help you determine when it’s time for a filter change.

Cost of Annual Filter Replacement

The cost of replacing Puratap filters annually can vary depending on the type of filter used in your system. On average, you can expect to pay between AUD 80 to AUD 150 for a standard filter replacement. This cost usually includes the filter itself and sometimes the labor if done by a professional.

Some homeowners opt to replace the filters themselves, which can reduce costs. However, professional replacement ensures that the system is correctly maintained and continues to operate efficiently, which could save money in the long run by avoiding potential issues.

Service Fee for Filter Replacement

If you choose to have a professional replace your Puratap filters, there is typically a service fee associated with the visit. This fee can range from AUD 50 to AUD 100, depending on your location and the service provider. Some companies might bundle the service fee with the cost of the filter, offering a more convenient package.

It’s important to consider this fee when budgeting for your annual maintenance, as regular professional servicing can help detect and prevent any potential problems early on.

Are There Cheaper Alternatives?

While Puratap is known for its quality, some homeowners may look for more cost-effective alternatives. There are indeed cheaper filters available on the market, but it’s important to weigh the pros and cons. Cheaper alternatives might not offer the same level of filtration, potentially compromising the quality of your water.

Additionally, using non-branded filters could void any warranty on your Puratap system. Therefore, while it might seem cost-effective in the short term, opting for cheaper alternatives could lead to higher costs or issues down the road. For those looking to save money, purchasing filters during sales or in bulk from reputable suppliers can be a better option without compromising on quality.

Comparison with Other Water Filtration Systems

Comparison with Other Water Filtration Systems

When considering a Puratap system, it’s essential to compare it with other water filtration options available on the market. This comparison not only helps you understand where Puratap stands in terms of pricing but also in terms of performance, reliability, and long-term value. By evaluating Puratap against its competitors, you can make a more informed decision about which water filtration system is the best fit for your home. In this section, we will delve into how Puratap measures up to other brands, including a detailed cost comparison and an analysis of long-term value.

Puratap vs. Competitors

Puratap is a leading brand in the Australian water filtration market, known for its robust systems and reliable service. However, there are several other competitors, such as Brita, Aquasana, and Filtrete, which also offer home water filtration solutions.

Puratap systems are often praised for their ease of use, efficient filtration, and long-lasting filters. In contrast, some competitors might offer lower initial costs but may require more frequent filter changes or provide less comprehensive filtration. Brita, for example, is popular for its jug filters, which are more affordable but need regular refilling and filter replacement. Aquasana and Filtrete provide whole-house systems similar to Puratap but at varying price points and with different features.

When comparing Puratap to these competitors, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your household, such as water quality issues, budget, and desired level of filtration.

Cost Comparison

In terms of cost, Puratap sits in the mid to high range for home water filtration systems. The initial installation cost of a Puratap system is generally higher than that of a basic Brita jug or faucet filter, but lower than some of the more advanced whole-house systems from brands like Aquasana.

For example, while a Brita jug might cost as little as AUD 50, a Puratap system installation can range from AUD 200 to AUD 500. Aquasana’s whole-house systems, on the other hand, can start at around AUD 1000, making them significantly more expensive upfront.

However, Puratap’s annual maintenance costs, including filter replacement, are relatively moderate, typically ranging from AUD 80 to AUD 150 per year. This is comparable to the ongoing costs of maintaining other similar systems, though some competitors may offer cheaper filters at the expense of filtration quality or durability.

Long-term Value Analysis

When evaluating long-term value, Puratap shines due to its balance of performance and cost. Although the initial investment might be higher than some competitors, the system’s durability and the quality of filtration it offers can save money in the long run by reducing the need for frequent filter replacements or repairs.

Additionally, Puratap’s customer service and regular maintenance options help ensure the system runs efficiently over time, which can be a significant advantage compared to competitors that may not offer the same level of support. While some cheaper systems might seem like a good deal upfront, they can end up costing more in the long term due to less effective filtration or the need for more frequent replacements.

Is Puratap Worth the Investment?

After considering the costs and comparing Puratap with other systems, the question arises: is Puratap worth the investment? To answer this, it’s essential to look beyond the price tag and consider the benefits and real-world experiences of those who use the system. In this section, we will explore the various advantages of using Puratap and examine what customers have to say about their experiences.

Benefits of Using Puratap

Puratap offers several key benefits that make it a worthwhile investment for many households. First and foremost is the quality of the water it delivers. Puratap systems are highly effective at removing a wide range of contaminants, including chlorine, heavy metals, and other impurities, ensuring that your water is not only safe to drink but also tastes better.

Another significant benefit is the convenience that Puratap offers. Once installed, the system provides a continuous supply of filtered water directly from your tap, eliminating the need for bottled water or bulky filtration jugs. This can lead to long-term savings and is more environmentally friendly.

Puratap systems are also known for their durability and low maintenance requirements. With regular filter replacements and occasional servicing, the system can last for many years, providing consistent performance without the hassle of frequent repairs or replacements.

Customer Reviews and Experiences

Customer feedback on Puratap is generally positive, with many users praising the system’s reliability and the noticeable improvement in water quality. Reviews often highlight the peace of mind that comes with knowing their water is free from harmful contaminants and the convenience of having filtered water readily available.

Some customers also appreciate the professional installation and maintenance services offered by Puratap, which can help ensure the system operates efficiently over the long term. However, as with any product, there are occasional complaints, typically regarding the initial installation cost or the need for regular filter replacements. Despite these minor concerns, the overall sentiment is that Puratap provides excellent value for money and is a solid investment for those looking to improve their home’s water quality.

In conclusion, Puratap offers a reliable and effective solution for those seeking to improve their home’s water quality. While the costs may be higher than some alternatives, the long-term benefits of clean, safe, and great-tasting water make it a worthy investment. By understanding the full scope of expenses, from installation to ongoing maintenance, you can confidently decide if Puratap is the right choice for your household.